Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bath time

Nick had his first real bath today. By the look on his face, it seems that the whole process confused him a little bit.

Sleeping Nicholas

Like father, like son (note the arm positions)

Sleeping babies are so cute!! The many sleeping faces of Nick.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Bluebonnets are the Texas state flower and every year they grow wild along the country highways. We pulled over and took some photos in a field.

Recent Nick

Nick relaxing with daddy.

Awake Nick.

Sleeping Nick.

Matt (and Gianna) are on the way to becoming famous models. This photo of Matt and Gianna was taken when Gianna was ~ 3 weeks old. It is one of our photographer's (Danny clark photography) favorites and has been used in advertisements for the photography studio. Now it is hanging in a baby boutique (Nest and Cot) in a Houston shopping center. I had to sneak in and take a photo of it hanging on the wall.

Nick swaddled - it appears he likes the straight-jacket look.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nick pics

Almost smiling in rap mode.

Nick - 3 days old

Gianna - 3 days old

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New baby and little brother.

The stats:
Nicholas Arthur Torregrossa
Born 3/13/09 at 10:07 AM
Wt: 8lbs 3oz (> 2lbs heavier than Gianna!)
Length: 21 inches

Friday the 13th - Delivery Day!

First photo.

In the room waiting.
Arriving at the hospital.

So, apparently this baby (unlike Gianna) was taking his sweet time making an appearance. Due to this, I decided to get induced on my due date. We arrived at the hospital at 5AM, and made it to a room a little before 6. I had been 4cm dilated at my last prenatal visit, so I figured things might move kind of fast. At 6:00 AM they started the pitocin infusion. I felt ok until about 8:25 am when I noticed that contractions really hurt and they were coming every 1 - 2 minutes. The doctor came to break my water around 8:45am and then the anesthesiologist came. I was having horrible contractions by then, and it took all my willpower not to move during the placement of the epidural. They were done putting in the epidural around 9:25am - but I noticed no difference in the contractions. The doctor said it could take 20 minutes to "kick in". Well, at about 9:40 I realized that the baby was about to pop out. So, the nurses checked me and, surprise, I was right. So, they called the doctor back and I pushed for about 15 minutes and out came the baby! I think the epidural kicked in somewhere around the last push. So, nearly a natural childbirth although not by my choice.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Belly today - 39 weeks and 3 days

I feel huge!! This poor baby has no more space.

More Gianna prior to new brother

Gianna had to have an esophogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) exam last week. (I think I spelled that correctly). Essentially, they put a camera down her throat to look into her stomach and small intestine. Everything came back normal, but Matt and I thought she looked hilarious in her little hospital gown. She looked like a little prophet!

Two different outfits; two different days of napping with Daddy.