Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Gianna the last 2 days...

Grandma left yesterday. I tried to make her stay by acting as creepy as possible. It didn't work...

Attack of the zombie baby.

I would like a martini, my good man.

Monday, July 23, 2007

First trip to the mall

Gianna went to the mall last Friday. This is her in Macy's. She was awake and enjoying herself nearly the entire time. She had so much fun, she asked if we could go back today!

The many positions of Gianna

Curled up on mommy's lap.

Skinny little baby legs.

Sleeping on daddy's arm.

Deep in thought (I didn't even pose her like was spontaneous!)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First Doctor's Visit

Gianna had her first visit to the doctor today. I thought she was still pretty small...she now weighs 5 pounds and 11 ounces which puts her in the 5th percentile for weight. She is, however, in the 25th percentile for height (19 and 1/2 inches). I never thought I would have a baby this tiny, but the physician wasn't concerned. Gianna had blood drawn from her foot to test for various disorders. She was very unhappy about this and screamed for quite a while. That is why she looks so emotionally drained in the second photo. Right now, though, she seems happy and is sleeping in her bassinet.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

We think she's cute.

She likes to pose in her sleep. She is practicing holding a cell phone...

Her Sunday Brunch outfit...note the stylish cardigan and cap.

Gianna's first brunch outing. No, I did not grow taller during the pregnancy. I think I was standing on an incline. Gianna enjoyed the brunch and was very quiet the whole time. Matt and I are a little frightened because it looks like she is already getting teeth. I guess that means the next time we go to brunch, she'll be able to eat solid food!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gianna is 11 days old.

Gianna and her washcloth/bath puppet.

Cleo likes the nursery too.

For Friday the 13th, Gianna practiced her Dracula pose.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Relaxed baby

Grandma & Gianna

Her new friend.

Gianna likes to sleep.

Baby in a basket.

Just relaxing.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Gianna is a week old today!

It is hard work being a new dad.

Gianna went on her first outing yesterday. We went shopping at Target. She was very good and didn't even ask for any toys or clothes. I'm sure that will change in the future...

Big yawn for the little Texan.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

First family photo.

I can't believe this is comfortable...

Gianna's Room

The Torregrossa family crest.

Matt's cousin painted Gianna's room for us. This is above the crib.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Gianna--day 4

Wrapped up like a burrito.

Already a baseball fan (check out the "recliner"--it's actually a baseball glove).

Gianna--day 3

Look how big this newborn pacifier is.

Bendy baby (and Grandma).

A new use for the Boppy.

I'm tired...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Our Very Small Surprise (3 weeks and 1 day early!)

At about 4:30 am on July 3rd, I thought I felt something a little wet. Of course, I was in denial, but it became more and more apparent as the morning went on that my water had indeed broken. So, at about 8:00 am Matt and I headed to the hospital.

Apparently when your water breaks, they need to get the baby out within 24 hours to avoid infection. I was not really having contractions, so they had to induce me with Pitocin. Now, I really thought I would be able to get through delivery with no pain medications. However, I guess I really didn't have an accurate picture of how much pain it actually entails. So I got an injection of demerol and felt a little better, but then I decided I needed an epidural as well. After I got the epidural placed, I had uncontrollable shivering. The interesting thing was that I went from 1cm dilated to 10cm dilated in the span of about 3 hours (very fast!). Then the nurse decided to check my temperature and turns out, I had a 103 degree fever! This increased the urgency of the situation. We needed to get the baby out as soon as possible and if I didn't push her out fast, I would've had to get a c-section. So I pushed like crazy and broke about a million blood vessels in my face (you will not see any close-ups of that). But I was able to get her out within about 45 minutes (this is according to me it seemed like I was pushing for hours). She was born exactly at 6pm on July 3rd. However, she looked pretty bad at first and she had to spend a few hours in the neonatal ICU. We finally got her back with us at 11:30 pm.

Gianna Jolie Torregrossa. Isn't she cute? She has Matt's dimpled chin. She was very small at birth (6 lbs and 1.7 ounces) and was even smaller when we left the hospital (5 lbs and 11 ounces). She is 19 inches long. We left the hospital today--they kept us for 48 hours just to make sure we were ok, and I had IV antibiotics for 24 hours.

Matt and his new girl.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Our newest outdoor cat

Matt has named this cat Charlie. We are not sure if it's a boy or girl, but he has gotten a lot more friendly lately. Of course, we are putting food out for the neighborhood cats at least twice a day. I guess that makes us popular!

My belly--36 weeks and 4 days

Freaky front view.

Scary Cankles

This is my "ankles" after being on my feel all day. Pretty frightening...