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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby Gender

So, for those of you who haven't yet heard, I am having a boy! I am a little nervous about it since I have 3 sisters and am much more comfortable with girl children, but it is exciting. This time the pregnancy is going really fast. Here is my belly today at 23 weeks and 3 days. It doesn't look so big in this picture, but I feel huge!

Home addition and repairs

Since Matt and I had some damage due to the tree through our house, we decided to change our renovation plans. We are adding a master bedroom, renovating the small bathroom and adding a exercise/sunroom/dogroom to the back of the house. Once that is done, we will focus on landscaping. Here is the progress so far. You can see the difference in the roof tiles, but we were just happy to have a non-leaking roof finally. There was a week or two where we had some minor flooding.

The outside with siding nearly complete.

Making progress.

The framing of the house addition

Our house - Oct 4 - 8

The outside of the house after the brick was taken off.

The new slab.

Right before concrete pouring.

Another shot of the concrete truck.

Our house - Oct 4th

The $500,000 concrete-pouring truck.

The concrete pipe (not sure of the official term..) over the top of our carport and house.

Wider view.

The backyard prior to the concrete slab being poured.

Kissing Daddy

Gianna sure is daddy's girl nowdays. Mommy gets a little jealous...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

She takes after her mother. She wants ALL the candy!

Bath time