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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I can't fit into my pants!!

I don't know if other pregnant women have this problem, or it is just me, but I have had to purchase several phases of maternity clothes. I was under the impression that only the belly got bigger during pregnancy, but have come to the sad realization that my legs, hips, bootie and arms have also expanded exponentially. Since I am close to the end, I am hesitant to buy any more clothing, but today I realized one of 5 pairs of "work" pants no longer fits. Maybe no one will notice if I wear the same pants everyday!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

First Baby Shower--Columbus, TX

Doesn't Matt look excited? His job was to write down everything we received and who gave it to us.

One of Matt's relatives made us this really cool basket. It has everything needed to take care of a baby...diapers, wipes, this nice handmade burp cloth that Matt is testing, a handmade blanket and pillow...etc. Plus it is easy to carry around the house! All the ladies who had previously received one of these said it was a lifesaver!

A beautiful handmade blanket...I look sad, but really I was happy!

Our first package of diapers. What really scared me was the quantity (112) and the fact that all the women said this would last about three days! I am glad we live about 4 blocks away from a 24 hour Kroger grocery store.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Austin Wildflower Garden

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Lunchtime--it was hot! (~95 degrees)

Ready for dinner

Will we look crazier after the baby?

In Austin there were decorated guitars throughout the city (kind of like the "cows on parade"). This was the Lance Armstrong guitar.

Austin--our last hurrah before baby

Matt at the capitol.

The top of the dome.

The door hinges.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

32 weeks and 4 days

Am I really this big?

Creative swimwear

This is what I wore today while swimming in Matt's parents pool. The shorts are Matt's. We are wearing the same size pants now!!

Crazy cactus plant

I have never seen this before. This cactus sprouted this huge tendril-like growth practically overnight (in the span of a couple weeks). Now I want to have one in our yard, but Matt says it will take 20 years to get big enough for this phenomenon to happen. Think these people will notice if we dig up their plant?